The Student Representative Council (FSR=Fachschaftsrat) Cultural Anthropology represents all students of Cultural Anthropology vis-à-vis lecturers and other members of staff at the university, the institute, the faculty and other institutions and committees.
It is also open to all questions, problems and suggestions from students or prospective students and is happy to help.
Student Council meeting
During the semester, our meetings take place every fortnight on Wednesdays at 2 pm. We usually meet in our student council room 3.008.
Your participation is always welcome!
Contact e-mail
Fachschaft Kulturanthropologie
Am Hofgarten 22
53113 Bonn
3. OG, room 3.008
To join a messenger group, please send us an e-mail.

Come along to our meetings (see above) with your questions, comments or just to chat!
Otherwise, we also offer appointments by appointment (please email us), also available via Zoom.
Just write to us if you have any questions.
Die konstituierende Sitzung des Wahlausschusses findet am 24.06.2024 um 18:00 Uhr via Zoom statt.
Die 2. Sitzung des Wahlausschusses findet am 09.07.2024 um 18:00 Uhr via Zoom statt.
Kommt gerne mit eurem Studi-Ausweis zur Wahl am 19.07.24 um ca. 19:00 Uhr (4.OG Am Hofgarten 22) und macht euer Kreuzchen.
Die Wahlergebnisse findet ihr ebenfalls unter dem folgenden Link.
Unsere Wahlunterlagen findet ihr unter: mit dem Passwort: 1234
Protocols of the student council meetings can be found in the public Sciebo folder.
Who we are
- Johannes Olmesdahl (Leader of the board)
- Sophie Rutschmann (Deputy leader of the board)
- Josefine Reinhold (Financial Officer)
- Michaela Ressing
- Alexandra Wiesner