Prof. Dr. Ove Sutter
Head of Department
Am Hofgarten 22
53113 Bonn

Short biography
I am the professor and head of department for Cultural Analysis and Cultural Anthropology at the Department of Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology. I am also head of the master’s programme in Transcultural Studies and Cultural Anthropology and the minor bachelor’s programme in Cultural Analysis and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Bonn. I hold an MA in Cultural Anthropology and Folklore Studies (Volkskunde) with a minor in German Language and Literature from the University of Hamburg and a doctorate of European Ethnology from the University of Vienna. Before joining the University of Bonn in 2014, I worked as a research assistant and teaching fellow at the University of Vienna (2007–2013). Since 2022, I am the Co-project leader of the research project “Actor networks and multifunctional spaces for artistic, cultural and creative work in rural regions” (funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), 2022–2025).
Research focus
Civil society engagement and political activism
Lifeworld dimensions of the political-economic development of rural areas
Everyday storytelling and political narratives
Forms of protest of social movements
Precarisation and subjectification of work
Teaching research project „Hurra, diese Welt geht unter…“? Lebensweisen im Anthropozän zwischen Extraktivismus und Empowerment ("Hurray, this world is coming to an end..."? Ways of life in the Anthropocene between extractivism and empowerment) (M.A.)
Introduction in Cultural Anthropology/Cultural Analysis (B.A.)
Cultural representations, practices, objectifications (M.A.)
Guided self-study for "Cultural representations, practices, objectifications" (M.A.)
Project seminar (M.A.)
Kolloquium (M.A.)
Internship (M.A.) (Absprache und Anmeldung)
Research projects
(since 2009) Forms of protest in the socio-economic transformation of western industrialised societies
(2008-2012) Narrated Precarity. Autobiographical negotiations of immaterial labour (dissertation project, Department of European Ethnology, University of Vienna)
(2008-2009) Transformation of the world of work; research associate under the direction of Franz Schultheis and Berthold Vogel (international research project, Swiss National Science Foundation/ University of St.Gallen/ European Research Network ESSE/ Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung)
Publications (selection)
Ove Sutter/ Eva Youkhana (eds.) (2017): Perspectives on the European Border Regime: Mobilization, Contestation, and the Role of Civil Society (= Social Inclusion, Vol. 5, Issue 3) (Peer reviewed). Link
Ove Sutter, Julia Winnebeck, Adrian Hermann, Stephan Conermann, Christoph Antweiler (2023): The Analytical Concept of Asymmetrical Dependency. In: Journal of Global Slavery 8, 1, pp. 1–59 (peer reviewed). Link
Ove Sutter (2020): Between prefigurative politics and collaborative governance. Vernacular humanitarianism in the migration movements of 2015. In: Ethnologia Europaea. Journal of European Ethnology Vol. 50, Issue 2 (peer reviewed). Link
Ove Sutter / Oliver Müller / Sina Wohlgemuth (2020): Learning to LEADER. Ritualised Performances of 'Participation' in Local Arenas of Participatory Rural Governance. In: Sociologia Ruralis, Vol. 60, Issue 1, pp. 222–242 (peer reviewed). Link
Ove Sutter / Oliver Müller / Sina Wohlgemuth (2019): Translating the bottom-up frame. Everyday negotiations of the European Union’s rural development programme LEADER. In: Anthropological Journal of European Cultures Vol 28, No. 2, pp. 45–65 (peer reviewed). Link
Ove Sutter (2019): Narratives of "Welcome Culture". The Cultural Politics of Voluntary Aid for Refugees. In: Narrative Culture: Vol. 6, Iss. 1 , Article 3. (peer reviewed). Link
Ove Sutter (2018): “Welcome!” – Emotional Politics and Voluntary Work with Refugees. In: Journal for European Ethnology and Cultural Analysis (JEECA) 2 (2017) 1, pp. 5–25 (= english Version by Sutter (2017): "Welcome!" Emotionale Politiken) (peer reviewed). Link
Ove Sutter/ Eva Youkhana (2017): Perspectives on the European Border Regime: Mobilization, Contestation, and the Role of Civil Society. In: Social Inclusion, Volume 5, Issue 3, pp. 1-6. Link
Ove Sutter (2016): Contesting the Danger Zone. Creative Protest against Police Surveillance in the Post-Fordist City. In: Ethnologia Europaea. Journal of European Ethnology 46 (2016) 1, pp. 114–131 (peer reviewed). Link
Ove Sutter, Julia Winnebeck, Adrian Hermann, Stephan Conermann, Christoph Antweiler (2021): On Asymmetrical Dependency. Concept Paper 1 des Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies. p. 38. Link