As part of the Master's degree program in Transcultural Studies/Cultural Anthropology, an internship can be completed in the compulsory elective area.
The internship lasts 300 hours, of which 240 hours are for the internship (approx. 6 weeks) and 60 hours for writing the internship report.
Internship selection & contact
The choice and organization of an internship should be made by the students themselves. The planned internships and the potential employers should be discussed in advance with Prof. Dr. Ove Sutter. Formal questions will be answered by our program management.
Sascha Sistenich
EKW/ Kulturanthropologie: Raum 4.004 / IV. OG
Internship abroad

Internship exchange
Below you will find a selection of potential internship positions. For further vacancies in the field of Cultural Analysis and Cultural Anthropology, we recommend subscribing to the KV mailing list of the German Society for Empirical Cultural Studies.
Internship in the museum and exhibition sector
The Volkskundemuseum Wien offers places for a maximum of three months for students as part of an internship abroad. Applications are made in Vienna, further information can be found here. The internship or application must be discussed in advance with the Erasmus coordinator.
The Department of Everyday Culture and Language at the LVR Institute for Regional Studies and Regional History in Bonn regularly offers internship opportunities to Master's students of Cultural Analysis and Cultural Anthropology. If you are interested, please contact the head Dr. Lisa Maubach. Further contact details and contact persons can be found here (Team Alltagskultur).
The LVR Industriemuseum consists of seven museums, which show the industrial and social history of the Rhineland in a decentralized manner using the example of individual sectors. They use former factories. In Bergisch Gladbach, a historic paper mill and the machine hall of a paper factory have been set up as a museum. The museum regularly offers internships. Further information can be found here.
The ethnological Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum in Cologne is always happy to welcome interns as part of a compulsory university internship. Applications can be sent to the secretary's office.
The Westerwald Landschaftsmuseum is the central open-air museum for the region. As a leading folklore museum, it brings together rich cultural-historical collections and presents the history of everyday life over the last 300 years in eight historic buildings. It offers interested visitors the opportunity to work in the museum. Further information can be found here.
The open-air museum at Kiekeberg is an active, lively museum with a focus on cultural anthropology in the south of Hamburg. Internships are possible in various departments of the open-air museum. Further information can be found here.
Praticum in development cooperation and NGOs
The internships at the DAAD and thus the contents and requirements are as diverse as the DAAD itself. You can find more information here.
Engagement Global offers internships with expense allowances for students. Further information can be found here.
A list of all international organisations and NGOs can be found on the website of the City of Bonn
Internship in journalism and publishing
Information on various internship opportunities in the fields of journalism & publishing, PR & marketing and cultural management can be found in a newsletter from the Bonn Italy Centre, which you can sign up for here.