Study and internship abroad
The "ERASMUS+" program of the European Union offers BA and MA students of the Department of Anthropology of the Americas the opportunity to
- Study abroad at a partner university of the Department of Anthropology of the Americas for 5 to 12 months
- Internship abroad in another European country for 2-12 months
Erasmus+ promotes exchange through the following measures:
Study abroad
The Department of Anthropology of the Americas has cooperation agreements with universities in the Netherlands (Leiden), Belgium (Brussels), France (Paris), Sweden (Gottenburg) and Poland (Warsaw and Krakow) as part of the "ERASMUS+" program. Bachelor's and Master's students on all degree programs in the department can apply via ERASMUS+ to spend semesters abroad at these universities as part of their studies. This exchange includes:
- Tuition fee waiver at the partner university
- Recognition of academic achievements at the partner university
- Payment of a mobility allowance of between €150-250 per month (calculated each year according to the current budget and number of applicants)
- Support from the partner university
Internship abroad
- Financial grant of EUR 280-380 (depending on the destination country) (calculated each year according to the current budget and number of applicants)
- language preparation
Partner universities








The department participates in the study exchange program Master Européen en Archéologie et Arts Précolombiens (MEARAP) in cooperation with the Universiteit Leiden, the Université Libre de Bruxelles and the Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Students of the Master's program 'Anthropology of the Americas' can spend a semester abroad as part of the existing Erasmus cooperation between the archaeological institutes of the above-mentioned universities. The modules of the MEARAP partner universities are coordinated in such a way that they can be integrated into the respective curriculum of the home university. A semester of 30 ECTS credits at one of the partner universities can be swapped with a semester at the home university. Teaching can take place in the language of the partner university; however, the four partner universities always offer selected courses or modules in Spanish or English. At Leiden University, courses at Master's level are always taught in English. Regardless of the actual language of instruction, examinations at the partner universities can generally be taken in Spanish or English within the framework of the MEARAP agreement.
The participating institutes have quite different specialist focuses and complement each other in terms of content. The exchange gives students of Ancient American Studies the opportunity to acquire regional specialist knowledge that is not covered by the Bonn department's curriculum.
The application for the MEARAP exchange takes place as part of the regular Erasmus application procedure; the selection is made by the subject coordinator.
Recognition of academic achievement
Recognition within the framework of Erasmus semesters abroad takes place in accordance with the Erasmus University Charter in the form of Learning Agreements, which are issued before or at the end of the semester abroad.
Recognition of the study and examination achievements acquired during the semester abroad (this naturally also applies to studies abroad outside the Erasmus agreements) takes place after the return to the University of Bonn in direct consultation with the Student Advisory Service. Upon presentation of the performance documentation from the semester abroad (Learning Agreement, Transcript of Records, etc.), the credits earned will be credited to Bonn modules or module components using the recognition form of the Examination Office. The form is forwarded to the Examinations Office together with copies of the performance documents from the semester abroad. The Examinations Office then issues a notification as described above and records the recognized credits. An error-free entry of module numbers and titles, grades and points supports rapid administrative processing at the Examinations Office.
Weitere Informationen
Studierende des BA Lateinamerika- und Altamerikastudien und des MA Kulturstudien Lateinamerikas könne sich auch über die Bonner Romanistik für ERASMUS-Stipendien in Spanien bewerben! Diese Möglichkeit steht auch den Studierenden der übrigen Studiengänge der Abteilung für Altamerikanistik offen, diese werden dann jedoch in der Romanistik als „fachfremde“ Bewerber/innen geführt.
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Ausführliche Informationen zum ERASMUS-Programm, der Förderung sowie alle programmspezifischen Formulare finden Sie auf den Seiten der Universität zum "Studium und Praktikum im Ausland"