Direct exchange programs Latin America
Initial Information
The Department for the Anthropology of the Americas maintains direct partnerships with the following universities:
- Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) in Lima
- Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM) in Mexico-City
- Universidad de Sonora (UNISON) in Hermosillo (Mexico) -> 1 scholarship still available
The direct exchange program of the University of Bonn also allows an exchange with the following universities in Latin America:
- Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) in Mexico
- Universidad de Talca in Chile
- Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) in Porto Alegre, Brazil

Our cooperation with the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) in Lima is aimed at all students of the University of Bonn who are taking courses at the Department of Anthropology of the Americas as part of their studies.
Of particular interest to master's students is the option to participate in the "Programa de Estudios Andinos." Through our partnership with PUCP, one slot is available each semester for this program. The "Programa de Estudios Andinos" combines aspects of anthropology, history, archaeology, and linguistics with a regional focus on the Andean region. More information can be found on the program's webpage.
Participants in this exchange are exempt from tuition fees at PUCP and may - by prior arrangement - have their credits recognized upon their return. Since the academic year at PUCP is organized (split) in two semesters (March to July and August to December), students of the Department of Ancient American Studies are subject to special application deadlines that differ from those of the Bonn Romance Studies Department!
Exchange period: "Spring semester" (March - July) or "Fall semester" (August - December) can be chosen.
responsible person: Prof. Dr. Karoline Noack
At the master's and doctoral level, the Department cooperates with the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) in Mexico City. Two specializations are open to students of Anthropology of the Americas in Bonn:
There is no limit to the number slots and tuition fees incurred at UNAM may be waived for up to three students per year. The duration of study can range from 3 to 12 months. With prior consultation with the program officer, full credit may be given upon return.
- Application deadlines: January 31 for the "semestre de otoño" (August to December)
- June 30 for the "semestre de primavera" (January to June)

Environmental anthropology and the indigenous peoples of the Mexican northwest - our exchange
Since December 2019, there is a cooperation agreement between the University of Bonn and the Universidad de Sonora in northwestern Mexico, which is currently supported by the DAAD within the framework of the International Study and Training Partnerships (ISAP) with scholarships for students at the Universities of Bonn and Sonora.
Click this link for impressions of students who have spent a semester at UniSon
Under this agreement, the Department for the Anthropology of the Americas collaborates at the undergraduate and master's levels with the Department of History and Anthropology, as well as the Graduate Program of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Sonora (UniSon) in Hermosillo, the capital of Sonora.
First, some information about Sonora and its capital Hermosillo
Sonora is the northwesternmost state of Mexico, bordering California (USA) to the north. With approximately 2.1 million inhabitants, of which nearly 1 million reside in the capital, Hermosillo, the state is sparsely populated. Squeezed between the Mar de Cortés/Gulf of California in the west and the Sierra Madre Occidental in the east, Sonora's territory combines diverse and unusual geological formations, such as the Piñacate in the north (a 20 km² volcanic shield), with desert-like coastal and mountainous areas, as well as fertile river valleys with high agricultural production.
From an archaeological and cultural-historical perspective, the Mexican Northwest is connected to the cultures of the Southwestern United States, collectively referred to as Oasisamerica. Current research sees close connections between the ruined city of Cerro de Trincheras, located in Sonora's north (settlement period 1st millennium AD), and the cultures of the Mogollón and the Hohokam (USA).

The history of Sonora during the colonial period and the era of independence mirrors Mexican history in its characteristics. For instance, the Jesuit mission in the Northwest, the early industrialization phase in the 19th century, the emergence of labor movements (such as the Cananea strike of 1906 as a precursor to the Mexican Revolution and the origin of the term "Gringo"), and much more.
From an ethnographic perspective, the nine indigenous societies of Sonora are significant: the Guarijos, Mayos, Yaquis, Pimas, Pápagos or Tohono O'odham (all belonging to the Uto-Aztecan language family), and the Cucapás (Cochimi Yumana language family). Additionally, there is the coastal fishing and gathering society of the Seris (self-designation Comca'ac, language Seri). Their languages, current ways of life, and integration into the nation-state are subjects of teaching and research at the Department of History and Anthropology at the University of Sonora and affiliated state research institutions (Colegio de Sonora, INAH - Hermosillo, among others).

The course offerings in the Licenciatura Antropología (4-year degree program)
Students from Bonn can participate in the courses offered in the newly created four-year Licenciatura Antropología degree program in Sonora. This new program at the University of Sonora offers very attractive additions to the BA and MA courses offered by the Department for the Anthropology of the Americas with its focus on environmental ethnology, archaeology, history and cultural heritage of the Northwest, as well as the introduction and practical implementation of ethnographic field research methods in the field (among regional indigenous communities). In the neighboring Departamento de Letras y Lingüística, language courses on indigenous languages of northwestern Mexico can also be attended. (Photo: University building, Hermosillo)
MA students in the Anthropology of the Americas and Cultural Studies of Latin America programs also have access to the Programa Posgrado de Ciencias Sociales (MA candidates and doctoral students), which combines ethnological issues with sociological research aspects and provides access to exciting projects in the field, such as the treatment of Central American refugees within the Mexican border region or gender and elite research in Mexican society.

Leisure activities in Sonora
In terms of leisure, Sonora has a lot to offer:
Those looking to relax briefly at the beach on the weekends can drive about an hour to the coastal town of Bahia Kino or two hours to San Carlos, near the port city of Guaymas.
For those interested in mountain hiking, you can book excursions for the numerous foothills of the Sierra Madre Occidental that extend all the way to the sea. Enthusiasts of desert flora and fauna can experience a unique adventure in the Piñacate, the volcanic shield in northern Sonora on the border with the USA. There, you can walk across solidified lava flows and volcanic rims while encountering rare animals and plants. If you're interested in the history of Mexico's missions, you can visit numerous former stations of the Jesuit mission from the 17th and 18th centuries along the mission route, delving deep into the colonial history of the northwest. (Photo: Mount Tetakawi on the coast near San Carlos, Sonora)
For first-hand experiences (DE) of staying in Sonora, Daniel Kauder and Kyra Driesen offer a report on their experiences, having spent a guest semester in Sonora during the first half of 2023.
Participation Requirements:
The participation requirements for Bonn students in the exchange program are as follows:
• Enrollment in the programs of the Department for the Anthropology of the Americas (BA Altamérica and Ethnology, BA Latin American and Altamerica Studies, MA Anthropology of the Americas, MA Cultural Studies of Latin America)
• Proficiency in Spanish at the B2 level
• To apply, a letter of motivation, the current transcript of records, and a brief curriculum vitae are required. The letter of motivation should explain the interest in the place of study.

There is currently still a call for applications for a scholarship for the summer semester (August to December 2024)
Short-term applications are possible and welcome!
Open applications for the following semesters are possible at any time. However, a lead time of 9 - 12 months should be planned for application, selection, travel planning and e.g. solicitation of a promos grant.
Contact: Dr. Antje Gunsenheimer (
Key Information for Study Abroad:
- The duration of the study can range from one to two semesters.
- With prior consultation with academic advising, academic achievements can be fully recognized upon return.
- The autumn semester in Sonora, like in many Latin American universities, begins in the second half of August and concludes before the Christmas break.
- The spring semester starts at the end of January and ends in May.
- Bonn students participating in this exchange program are exempt from paying tuition fees.
- Medical care, sports facilities, housing assistance, and a welcome packet are provided as free services by the University of Sonora.
The module offer and details of the application process can be found here (EN):
UniSon_Studienangebot und Bewerbungsprozess
The module offer and details of the application process can be found here (ES):
Information available on the partner university Universidad de Sonora's website:
Scholarship Announcement (DE)
- Erfahrungsbericht zum Aufenthalt in Hermosillo, Sonora, im Sommersemester 2023 (Podcast mit Fotos von Daniel Kauder, Kyra Driesen und Dr. Antje Gunsenheimer)
- Interview mit Studenten der Universidad de Sonora über das Gastsemester an der Uni Bonn/Entrevista a estudiantes de la Universidad de Sonora sobre el semestre de estancia en la Universidad de Bonn