Anthropology of the Americas, B. A.
The Bachelor’s degree programs provide basic knowledge about indigenous societies in the Americas as well as research methods and theoretical approaches in the most important areas of work and research in the fields of Anthropology of the Americas. In the two basic modules of the compulsory area, first-year students acquire a broad knowledge of the beginnings of indigenous societies, the history of conquest and current political and social processes in Latin America. To this end, basic knowledge of the methods and theories of archaeological, historical, linguistic and anthropological research is introduced. The second and third years of study offer the opportunity to develop and deepen your own regional interests within the Americas and methodological learning objectives on this basis.
In the history of the German discipline, the term “Altamerikanistik” refers to a regional sub-discipline of ethnology, which can also be described as “anthropology of the Americas”.
The research and teaching subject of Anthropology of the Americas only exists in this form in German-speaking countries. Its subject are the indigenous societies of the Americas, particularly Latin America. Traditionally, the focus has been on the cultural areas of the Andes and Mesoamerica. Today, indigenous societies throughout all of Latin America are taken into account. Teaching and research are dedicated to current topics such as globalization or the cultural effects of colonization on indigenous societies as well as current decolonial demands in politics, society and academia.
Altamerikanistik in Bonn is offered as an interdisciplinary subject that combines research approaches from ethnology, ethnography, archaeology, ethnohistory, linguistics and other related disciplines. In this way, cultural developments are traced and indigenous America is explored in its historical depth. It is thus in the tradition of North American cultural anthropology.
Here we list all the professional fields in which our graduates have gained a foothold:
- national and international organizations and companies (public authorities, foundations, non-governmental organizations, tourism sector, etc.)
- cultural management
- museum sector (museum and cultural management)
- educational institutions
- adult education
- science management (e.g. DAAD, DFG)
- science (with M.A. degree: teaching and research at universities or in research institutions)
- in the field of business (e.g. tourism)
- business and cultural management
- journalism
- in the communications industry (advertising, PR, translation)
- in national and international authorities
- in the field of marketing
- in the book industry (publishing houses, libraries, book trade)
- press and public relations, media industry
- educational institutions in international exchange
Enrolment for the B.A. Ancient American Studies (Dual subject) & B.A. Ancient American Studies and Ethnology (minor subject) is only possible in the winter semester.
Wichtige Infos zum Studium
Hier findet ihr die Grundlagen zum Studienaufbau (Modulhandbücher, Prüfungsordnungen) und Anleitungen zu wissenschaftlichem Arbeiten.
FAQ - rund ums Studium
Die wichtigsten Fragen von Studienbeginn bis Studienabschluss hier für euch zusammengefasst.
Course content of the Bachelor's degree

Archaeology explores the past through materiality. In our program, archaeology knows no temporal boundaries. Mediated by materiality, we explore the earliest human settlements in the Americas, cultural developments, historical archaeology after the European conquest, and even the present. In this way, archaeology raises new questions and offers alternative interpretations of a profound and complex history of the Americas.
Writing and notation systems
The autochthonous writing and notation systems that were part of the cultural memory of the inhabitants of the Americas before the European invasion, in particular the writing systems of Mesoamerica and the hieroglyphic writing of the Classic Maya, are addressed in various modules of the Bachelor's degree programs and can be studied in greater depth independently in the course of the degree program.

Ethnohistory is concerned with a fundamental range of alternative theoretical and methodological approaches to understanding the history of marginalized socio-cultural and indigenous groups in the Americas in the long historical period. For this purpose textual, visual and material sources are used, which can be interpreted with a selected inventory of methods in order to make the actors who have remained invisible for a long time "speak".
The focus is on the ability to critically analyze society on the basis of an introductory anthropological education. The basic concepts of anthropology, including their history and working methods, as well as social and cultural anthropological approaches in the context of current globalization processes are taught. The focus is on current research questions relating to Latin America and its indigenous groups, but also on other regions of the world and their transcultural and transnational interdependencies as examples.

The Bachelor’s degree program offers an introduction to Critical Heritage Studies from a holistic perspective including the ontologies of indigenous peoples. In addition to the need to analyze and understand meanings and perceptions of heritage, the associated power constellations and their political-ideological dimensions are also discussed.
Amerindian languages
Language courses are currently offered in Quechua, Yucatecan Maya, Kaqchikel Maya and Náhuatl. The focus is on modern language forms. In the respective foundation module (12 ECTS), the acquisition of basic knowledge (vocabulary, grammar) is central so that students are able to hold conversations, read and write texts independently at the end. Grammar and vocabulary are vividly taught using contemporary examples of language use with audio, video and speaking exercises, partly by native speakers or in cooperation with them.
For BA students of Anthropology of the Americas in the two-subject combination, learning one of the four Amerindian languages is compulsory. The subsequent specialization (12 ECTS) is voluntary. It provides further language skills and includes an additional language course as well as an introduction to selected methods and theories of linguistics.

Themen folgen in Kürze!
Practical and international experience during your studies
It is important to gain practical and international experience during your studies. Depending on their interests, interested students have a variety of opportunities to participate in teaching excavations during semester breaks, participate in the department's research projects, complete internships at the BASA Museum, organize their own field research in the Americas and make contacts through semesters abroad and work with objects from the Americas in our course offerings. In addition, we offer various excursions in Germany, Europe and every few years in the Americas.

Working with archaeological and ethnographic objects
Objects from our teaching and research collection are regularly incorporated into many courses. This allows you to gain experience in handling and researching archaeological and ethnographic objects during your studies.

An internship is planned for the Master's degree, which can be completed either internally at the BASA Museum or in one of the department's projects, or externally. You can find more information and help with finding an internship on our internship page.

Study Abroad
Erasmus, PONS or direct exchange in the Americas? Our cooperation partners in Latin America and Europe offer the opportunity to get to know other university systems, academic perspectives and realities in one or two semesters. We are also happy to support you in your efforts to conduct your own field research for your thesis.
Jedes Semester werden gemeinsam mit Studierenden in der BASA eine Ausstellung konzipiert und kuratiert. Links ein kleiner Einblick in unsere Ausstellung "Spinnst Du", aus dem Jahr 2016/2017, aufgenommen von unibonntv.
Ausstellung - Spinnst Du?
Bild © Universität Bonn / YouTube
BASA Museum - Bonn Americas Collection
As an exhibition, communication, lecture, teaching and work space for students, teachers and researchers, the BASA Museum is the lively center of the Department of Anthropology of the Americas at the University of Bonn. The room is used for changing special exhibitions. The display depot is also located here, where a cross-section of the more than 10,000 objects in the collection is accessible. The BASA Museum presents itself to the city's public through the large display windows facing one of Bonn's busiest streets.
Bewerbung und Zulassung
Der Zwei-Fach-Bachelor richtet sich an Studieninteressierte, die Archäologie und Ethnologie Lateinamerikas mit einem weiteren gleich gewichteten Fach der Philosophischen Fakultät verbinden wollen, z.B. mit Archäologien, Hispanistik, Politik und Gesellschaft, Geschichte etc.
Das Begleitfach vermittelt eine Einführung in die Geschichte und Erforschung indigener lateinamerikanischer Kulturen und wird mit einem Kernfach der Philosophischen Fakultät kombiniert.
Die Bachelorstudiengänge Altamerikanistik & Ethnologie (Zwei-Fach, Begleitfach) sind zulassungsfrei. Eine Bewerbung ist nicht notwendig.
Für zulassungsfreie Studienfächer ist nur eine Online-Einschreibung notwendig. Genauere Informationen zu Einschreibung/Bewerbung, -phase und -verfahren findest du hier.
- Hochschulzugangsberechtigung (z. B. Abitur)
- Deutschkenntnisse (Sprachniveau DSH 1, GeR B2 gem. DSH-Prüfungsordnung)
Empfohlene Kenntnisse:
- gute Kenntnisse des Englischen (mind. 3 Schuljahre)
- ab zweitem Studienjahr Spanischkenntnisse (1 Schuljahr)
Die Sprachkenntnisse beziehen sich vor allem auf das Lesen von Texten, da viel Literatur nur auf Englisch bzw. Spanisch zur verfügung steht. Die Sprachkenntnisse werden bei der Einschreibung in die Studiengänge nicht überprüft.
Achtung: Zulassungsvorraussetzung des Zweitfachs bzw. Hauptfachs beachten!
Für Bewerber*innen aus dem Ausland ist zu beachten, dass die erforderlichen Nachweise in beglaubigten Übersetzungen (in deutscher oder englischer Sprache) zusätzlich zu den Originaldokumenten im PDF-Format zur Verfügung stehen müssen.
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Bei inhaltlichen Fragen zum Studium wende an unser Studiengangsmanagement (Sascha Sistenich) via
Hier findest du die wichtigsten Links für dein Studium.
- Im Modulhandbuch findest du die Studieninhalte, -leistungen sowie Prüfungsleistungen zu dem jeweiligen Modul.
- In der Prüfungsordnung sind Studien- und Prüfungsleistung aufgeführt.
- Beim Prüfungsamt findest du alle wichtigen Infos rund um das Thema Prüfungen.
Wichtig: Vergiss nicht, dich zu Beginn deines Studiums für das Bachelorprüfungsverfahren anzumelden. Ohne eine Anmeldung dazu kannst du dich für keine Prüfung anmelden und darfst auch keine Prüfung mitschreiben!
Studiengangsmanagement und Fachstudienberatung
Bei formalen Fragen zu Bewerbungsverfahren und -fristen, Sprachnachweisen, BASIS-Problemen, Anmeldungs- und Prüfungsmodalitäten wenden Sie sich bitte an das Studiengangsmanagement. Ebenso können Sie inhaltliche Fragen im Studiengangsmanagement besprechen.
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Oxfordstr. 15
53111 Bonn
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