BoCAS labs and lab equipment
Currently, BoCAS runs two laboratories, the Biological Anthropology/Osteology Lab for studying skeletal material (2.011/2.012) and the Biomolecular Lab (2.015) for collagen extraction. In 2.017, an Organic Residue Lab is currently being installed. 2.014 serves as a teaching lab and hosts our MilliQ, and 2.016 provides some more bench space and our freezers.
Anthropology/Osteology lab
In the Anthropology/Osteology lab, skeletal material can be studied in two spacious rooms furnished with large tables. A layer of PE foam film protects the fragile bones from damage, and lab coats as well as nitril gloves are available to avoid contamination of the bones with fibres or detergents as well as skin fats or cosmetics.Our teaching materials include various high-quality casts, and a part of the study collection of the Naturhistorisches Museum Basel. Thanks to this generous loan, we can teach osteology and variation in the human skeleton using original material, a privilege especially in the Rhineland where bone preservation is generally poor.
Biomolecular lab
The Isotope lab is geared towards collagen extraction.
Organic residue lab
currently under constrution

Fume hood

Our water purification systems provides pure (type 1) and ultrapure (type 2) water.

Freeze dryer


Fridge freezer combination