Dr. Julia Olivé Busom
Bonn Center for ArchaeoSciences
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
AVZ III, Römerstraße 164, 53117 Bonn
Raum 2.006
Tel. +49 228 73-4106
E-Mail: jolivebu@uni-bonn.de

My current research focuses on the application of funerary archaeology and bioarchaeology techniques on the study of multi-faith and multi-cultural societies of the Mongolian Plateau during the Medieval period. My research experience combines field archaeology with osteological, paleopathological and multi-isotopic analysis to reconstruct social dynamics in Iberia and the Balearic Islands, with a focus on Al-Andalus and Mozarab and Mudejar minorities.
This ongoing research on such different areas of the Medieval Muslim world, Iberia and Central Asia, has enabled me to grow a considerable expertise on Medieval Muslim archaeology. Thus, I aim to make significant contributions to the field of Islamic funerary archaeology and the Archaeology of Islam and Central Asia, focusing on burial praxis, dietary patterns and their adaptability to the environment, and migration processes.
08/2023-ongoing: Postdoctoral researcher
- Bonn Center for ArchaeoSciences (BoCAS), Institut für Archäologie und Kulturanthropologie, Bonn Universität, Germany
- DFG Research Unit 5438 "Urban Impact on the Mongolian Plateau: Interconnections of Urbanism, Economy and Environment" SP 6 (PI Jun.-Prof. Dr. Alice Toso)
2018-2023: PhD in Archaeology
- Autonomous University of Barcelona.
- Thesis title: “Anthropological and isotopic study of the urban and rural communities of the Upper Frontier of Al-Andalus and the Kingdom of Valencia”.
2016-2017: MSc in Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology
- Cranfield University
- Dissertation title: “Late Medieval Lisbon. Seven individuals from Praça da Figueira”.
2012-2016: BA in Archaeology
- Autonomous University of Barcelona
- Olivé-Busom, J. Novedades en el estudio de la maqbara de Madīnat Balagī. In B. Sarr (ed.), MAQBARA I. Espacios, rituales y ceremonial de enterramiento islámicos desde los orígenes hasta el presente”. Alhulia Editorial (forthcoming).
- Diéguez, J. P., Ortega, R., Olivé-Busom, J., & Botella, D. (2022). A comparative analysis of four dental pathologies of the historical population of Cortijo Coracho, Roman southern Spain (4th–8th centuries AD). Anthropologischer Anzeiger 79(4), 439-449.
- Marquez-Grant, N., Olivé-Busom, J., & Torres, J. R. (2021). Los restos humanos de la necrópolis púnica de Ses Paisses de Cala d'Hort (Can Sorá, Ibiza): estudio antropológico. In La muerte y el más allá entre fenicios y púnicos: homenaje al profesor Manuel Pellicer Catalán (pp. 411-449). Museu Arqueològic d'Evissa i Formentera= Museo Arqueológico de Ibiza y Formentera.
- Olivé-Busom, J., López-Costas, O., Márquez-Grant, N., & Kirchner, H. (2021). Estudio antropológico de las alquerías de Benizahat y Zeneta (Vall d´ Uixó, Castellón). Una ventana a la vida rural andalusí. SAGVNTVM. Papeles del Laboratorio de Arqueología de Valencia, 53, 193-212.
- Olivé-Busom, J., López-Costas, O., Quer-Agustí, M., Márquez-Grant, N., & Kirchner, H. (2021). Evidence of otitis media and mastoiditis in a Medieval Islamic skeleton from Spain and possible implications for ancient surgical treatment of the condition. International Journal of Paleopathology, 32, 17-22.