Dr. Susanne Reichert M.A.
Vor- und Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Römerstraße 164, D-53117 Bonn
Tel. +49 (0)228 73-6371
Fax +49 (0)228 73-7466
E-Mail: susanne.reichert@uni-bonn.de

© Universität Bonn
Region and time periods: Mongolia, East Asia, Western Europe, Early to late medieval Europe, Turko-Mongol period
Topics: Pastoralist societies, Urbanism, Crafts, Cross-cultural comparison, Economic Archaeology, Mongol Empire, City life in the steppes, Carolingians, Merovingian cemeteries and early rural churches
- 2017 -> PhD Bonn University; Thesis “Craft Production in the Mongol Empire. Karakorum and its Artisans”
- 2003–2010 -> Magister (Master of Arts), Bonn University: Major Pre- and Early Historical Archaeology, Minors History, English Literature (Master thesis: “Die frühesten Kirchen und frühmittelalterlichen Gräberfelder von Inden-Pier, Kr. Düren” [“The earliest churches and early medieval cemeteries of Inden-Pier, district of Düren”])
- 2006–2007 -> University of Sheffield, England (Erasmus scholarship)
Academic positions
- Since August 2023 -> Postdoctoral Researcher, PI of subproject Households and demography at the time of the Mongol Empire – Comparing two valleys of central Mongolia within DFG funded Research Group FOR5438 Urban Impacts on the Mongolian Plateau – Entanglements of Economy, City, and Environment
- 2016–2021 -> Research Assistant (Wiss. Mitarbeiterin) DFG Collaborative Research Center 1167 Macht und Herrschaft – Premodern Configurations in Transcultural Perspective, Project Steppe empires in Inner Asia in a comparative perspective – Protection and practice of Herrschaft as documented in monuments and written sources (PI Jan Bemmann)
- 2013–2016 -> Collegiate member DFG Research Training Group 1878 Archaeology of Pre-Modern Economies, Bonn University (Academic Year 2016/17 Student representative of Research Training Group)
- 2011–2014 -> Research Assistant, Pre- and Early Historical Archaeology, Bonn University, Mongolian field projects (e.g., field assistant Orkhon Valley Project: Excavations of three Bronze to Iron Age cemeteries, field manager Mongolian-Israeli-German Karakorum Expedition)
Awards and Scholarships
- 2023 -> Medal of Friendship by the President of Mongolia U. Khurelsukh
- 2021–2023 -> Feodor Lynen-Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; host: Assistant Prof. Dr. Bryan K. Miller)
- 2020 -> Grant for printing costs of Ph.D. thesis DFG (project number 433824986)
- 2019 -> Grant for printing costs of Ph.D. thesis from Siblings Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation for the Humanities
- 2013 -> DAAD-scholarship for Ph.D.-candidates, research stay in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (3 months)
- 2011 -> DAAD-scholarship for Ph.D.-candidates, research stay in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (5 months)
- Urban Impacts on the Mongolian Plateau – Entanglements of Economy, City, and Environment (FOR5438). Subproject Households and demography at the time of the Mongol Empire – Comparing two valleys of central Mongolia. Partner: Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Archaeology, Dr. Enkhtur, Lkh. Munkhbayar. Funding: DFG (since 2023).
- Establishing New Orders: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of the Empires of Chinggis Khan, Charlemagne, and their Successors (ongoing).
- S. Reichert, Craft Production in the Mongol Empire. Karakorum and its Artisans. Bonn Contributions to Asian Archaeology 9 (Bonn 2020).
- S. Reichert, A Layered History of Karakorum. Stratigraphy and Periodization in the City Center. Bonn Contributions to Asian Archaeology 8 (Bonn 2019).
- S. Reichert, Die frühesten Kirchen und frühmittelalterlichen Gräberfelder von Inden-Pier, Kr. Düren. Bonner Beiträge 14 (Bonn 2012).
Peer-reviewed papers
- S. Reichert/N.-O. Ochir/S. Linzen/Lkh. Munkhbayar/J. Bemmann, Overlooked – Enigmatic – Underrated: The city Khar Khul Khaany Balgas in the heartland of the Mongol World Empire. Journal of Field Archaeology 47, 397–420. doi10.1080/00934690.2022.2085916
- S. Reichert/N.-O. Erdene-Ochir/J. Bemmann, A unique burial of the fourth millennium B.C.E. and the earliest burial traditions in Mongolia. Asian Perspectives 61, 2022, 220–252.
- J. Bemmann/S. Linzen/S. Reichert/Lkh. Munkhbayar, Mapping Karakorum, the Capital of the Mongol Empire. Antiquity 96,385, 2022, 159–178. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15184/aqy.2021.153
- J. Bemmann/S. Reichert, Karakorum, the first capital of the Mongol World Empire – an imperial city in a non-urban society. Asian Archaeology 4, 2021, 121–143. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41826-020-00039-x https://doi.org/10.1007/s41826-020-00039-x
- S. Reichert, Imperial policies towards handicraft: The organization of production in the old Mongolian capital Karakorum. In: M. Bentz/T. Helms (Eds.), Craft production systems in a cross-cultural perspective. Studien zur Wirtschaftsarchäologie 1 (Bonn 2018) 186–208.
- J.-S. Park/S. Reichert, Technological tradition of the Mongol Empire as inferred from bloomery and cast iron objects excavated in Karakorum. Journal of Archaeological Science 53, 2015, 49–60.
- J. Bemmann/E. Lehndorff/R. Klinger/S. Linzen/Lk. Munkhbayar/M. Oczipka/H. Piezonka/S. Reichert, Biomarkers in archaeology. Land use around the Uyghur capital Karabalgasun, Orkhon Valley, Mongolia. Prähistorische Zeitschrift 89, 2014, 337–370.
- Ch. Grützner/J. Bemmann/J. Berking/M. Frechen/R. Klinger/N. Klitzsch/S. Linzen/M. Oczipka/H. Piezonka/S. Reichert/M. Schneider/B. Schütt, Improving archaeological site-analysis: A rampart in the middle Orkhon Valley investigated with combined geoscience techniques. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 9, 2012, 70–80.
Other contributions
- S. Reichert, De l’objet à l’interprétation contextuelle. Comment les archéologues reconstituent l’histoire de Qaraqorum. In: M. Favereau (ed.), Les Mongols et le Monde. L’autre visage de l’empire de Gengis Khan (Nantes 2023) 140–141.
- S. Reichert, Auf dem Rücken der Schildkröte: eine Inschrift im Spannungsfeld von Konflikt und Konsens im mongolischen Weltreich. In: E. Brüggen (Hrsg.), Macht und Herrschaft als transkulturelle Phänomene. Texte – Bilder – Artefakte. Macht und Herrschaft 13 (Göttingen 2021) 33–51.
- S. Reichert, Karakorum, Mongolia, Finds, Samples, and Iron per m-grid Dataset (KAR-2). Online 21 December 2020, DOI 10.22000/336.
- S. Reichert/P. Fahr, Tagungsbericht: Core, Periphery, Frontier – Spatial Patterns of Power, 28.03.2019 – 30.03.2019 Bonn, in: H-Soz-Kult, 14.02.2020, <www.hsozkult.de/conferencereport/id/tagungsberichte-8643>
- E. Pohl/S. Reichert/J. Block/K. U. Heußner/U. Treter, Dendrochronological data from Karakorum and Erdene Zuu, Mongolia. In: J. Lechterbeck/E. Fischer (eds.), Kontrapunkte. Festschrift für Manfred Rösch. Universitätsforschungen zur Prähistorischen Archäologie 300 (Bonn 2017) 231–249.
For further information see
- https://umich.academia.edu/SusanneReichert
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Susanne-Reichert