Dr. Katalin Tolnai
Vor- und Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität
Römerstraße 164, D-53117 Bonn
Tel. + 49 228 73-6371
E-Mail: ktolnai@uni-bonn.de

© K.Tolnai/Uni Bonn
- 2022 -> Dr. Phil. in Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology, University of Vienna (Austria), VIAS - Initiative College for Archaeological Prospection, “GIS-based modelling of the dynamic development of central places in context to the surrounding archaeological landscape”
- 2010 -> Master of Arts in Medieval Studies, Central European University, Budapest (Hungary)
- 2008 -> Master of Arts in Archaeology (Specialisation of Migration Period), Master of Arts in Mongolian Philology Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Humanities, Budapest (Hungary)
- 2008 -> BSc in Bachelor of Sciences in Land survey engineering, (Specialisation of Geoinformatics) University of West Hungary, Faculty of Geoinformatics, Székesfehérvár (Hungary)
Academic positions
- Since 08/2023 -> Postdoctoral Researcher FOR 5438 “Urban impacts on the Mongolian Plateau – Entanglements of Economy, City, and Environment”. University of Bonn, Germany.
- 2011–2014 -> Research Assistant at University of Vienna, Austria, Initiative College for Archaeological Prospection
- Since 2016 -> Khi-Land, Khitan Landscapes in Mongolia (2017–2023) Project, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Mongolian Academy of Sciences. Team member, lead archaeologist.
- 2011 -> Cultural Heritage Protection Field Service, Ladakh, India, Stupa Onlus Foundation. Team member, archaeologist.
- 2009–2010 -> Archaeological Field Service, Koh Ker, Cambodia, Royal Angkor Foundation. Team member, archaeologist.
- Harmath, A., Laszlovszky, J., Siklódi, Cs., Szilágyi, Zs., Tolnai, K., & Lkh, E. (2021). Mönkh khökh tengeriin dor. Mongol dakh' khyatanii landshaft arkheologiin sudalgaa: Khi-Land Project. (Under the Eternal Blue Sky. Extended edition. In Mongolian) Budapest, Hungary: Research Center for Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
- Tolnai, K., Erdenebold, L., Harmath, A., Szilágyi, Zs., Siklódi, Cs., & Laszlovszky, J. (2019). Landscape Archaeological Research Around Nomadic Cities in East Mongolia. Results of the 2019 fieldwork of the Khi-Land project. HUNGARIAN ARCHAEOLOGY, 2019 Summer, 18-27.
- Harmath, A., Laszlovszky, J., Siklódi, Cs., Szilágyi, Zs., & Tolnai, K. (2019). Under the Eternal Blue Sky. Landscape Archaeology in Mongolia. Budapest, Hungary : MTA BTK.
- Erdenebold, L., Tolnai, K., Harmath, A., Siklódi, Cs., & Laszlovszky, J. (2018). Research on Landscape Archaeology on the context of Nomad Towns: Results of the Third Field Season of the KHI-LAND Project, 2018. HUNGARIAN ARCHAEOLOGY, Summer, 15-24. Forrás: http://files.archaeolingua.hu/2018NY/Upload/Khiland_E18NY.pdf
- Tolnai, K. (2017). Adat vagy információ? Lelőhelyek vizsgálata publikált topográfiai gyűjtések alapján. (Data or Information? Analysis of archaeological sites based on published field survey data. In English) In E. Benkő, M. Bondár, & Á. Kolláth (szerk.), Magyarország régészeti topográfiája : múlt, jelen, jövő (old.: 529-538.). Bp, Hungary : MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Régészeti Intézete.
- Buzás, G., Boruzs, K., Merva, S., & Tolnai, K. (2014). The Issue of Continuity in the Early Ages in Light of the Most Recent Archaeological Research on the Late Imperial Period Fort in Visegrád. HUNGARIAN ARCHAEOLOGY, 2014 Spring. http://files.archaeolingua.hu/2014TA/Upload/Buzas_14TA.pdf
- Tolnai, K. (2013). GIS-based modeling of the dynamic development of central places. In W. Neubauer, I. Trinks, R. B. Salisbury, & C. Einwögerer (Szerk.), Archaeological Prospection : Proceedings of the 10th International Conference - Vienna, May 29th – June 2nd 2013 (old.: 324-326.). Wien, Bécs, Austria : Verlag der ÖAW.