Erik Timmerman M.A.
Radboud University Nijmegen
Visiting address: Erasmusplein 1, 6525 HT Nijmegen (the Netherlands)
Postal address: Postbus 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen (the Netherlands)

© E. Timmerman/Uni Bonn
Roman provincial archaeology, Roman limes, Germania Inferior, archaeology of death and burial, Roman economy, economic archaeology.
- 2021 -> PhD in Ancient History: Research Training Group 1878 ‘Archeology of Pre-Modern Economies’ (magna cum laude), University of Cologne.
- 2015 -> Research Master in Ancient History: Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies (cum laude), University of Groningen.
- 2013 -> Bachelor in History, University of Groningen.
Academic positions
- Since 2023 -> Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Bonn.
- 2016–2019 -> PhD Student, University of Cologne.
Current research projects
- Since 2023 -> Scientific editing of the Roman cemeteries of Nijmegen-East in the course of the project "Limes und Legion - Die Wirkmächtigkeit römischer Militärpräsenz am Niedergermanischen Limes. Edition and interpretation of archaeological sources".