Notas de Antropología de las Américas

Notas de Antropología de las Américas (NAA) is the Open Access digital journal of the Department for the Anthropology of the Americas of the University of Bonn. Its objective is to generate dialogue around the most recent national and international research in the fields of anthropology, archaeology, history and related disciplines on Latin America. The journal is an initiative created by doctoral students and professors to build bridges between researchers from other regions and to stimulate academic production in the social sciences and the humanities.
In times of interconnectivity and large global information flow, the present electronic journal aims at contributing to the digital transmission of knowledge. In this dynamic context of production and reception of new ideas, NAA positions itself within a tradition that emphasizes long-term, holistic and historical perspectives, thereby promoting the discipline of Altamerikanistik without losing sight of the constant changes in Latin American societies today.
NAA seeks to promote academic discussions on classic and current conceptions of ethnographic work, and its relationship with the different worldviews that coexist in Latin America. In this sense, our journal provides a novel academic space for the exchange of ideas by considering intellectual diversity, thus adding new and original research to the discipline.

Department for the Anthropology of the Americas
Sergio Bebin Cúneo, Rosario Carmona Yost, Natalia Hernanz García, Carla Jaimes Betancourt, Antje Gunsenheimer, Doris León Gabriel, Caterina Mantilla, Danitza Márquez, Leonie Männich, Joaquín J. A. Molina M., Karoline Noack, Pablo Núñez Arancibia, Naomi Rattunde, Taynã Tagliati, Carlos Zegarra Moretti