Universität Bonn

Institut für Archäologie und Kulturanthropologie

11. Dezember 2023

Call For Applications Call For Applications

M.A. Anthropology of the Americas

Flyer - M.A. Anthropology of the Americas Call for Application for 2024 © Sascha Sistenich
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Are you interested in our Master's program Anthropology of the Americas?

The Master's degree program in Anthropology of the Americas deals with the history and present of the Americas from a long-term perspective, ranging from the cultures and societies before the conquest and colonization to the modern nation states. Students acquire in-depth theoretical and methodological skills in a historical-archaeological or social and cultural anthropological focus. A possible specialization in heritage and museum studies links both fields. Introductions to the study of ancient american writing systems and the analysis of indigenous written sources are also offered.

The application phase for the summer semester 2024 begins on December 11, 2023 and ends on January 31, 2024.

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