Jacob A. Knechtel
Doctoral candidate
born 1999
Room 3.090
Rabinstraße 8
53113 Bonn
Consultation hours by appointment
+49 228 73-6837

© Abteilung Christliche Archäologie
Short CV
2017 – 2020 |
Bachelor's degree in ‘Archaeology’ with accompanying subject Art History at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn |
2020 | Bachelor's degree with the thesis ‘The different pictorial elements in late antique to early Byzantine meal scenes (Stibadium and Sigma meal) and their use’ with Prof. Dr Sabine Schrenk (Bonn) and Prof. Dr Konrad Vössing (Bonn) |
2020 – 2023 | Master's degree in ‘Archaeological Sciences with a focus on Christian Archaeology’ at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn |
2022 | Pons semester at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Late Antiquity and Byzantine Art History and Classical Archaeology |
2023 | Master's degree with the thesis ‘Porphyry, saints - and a bishop? The late antique tomb of Ambrose between myths of saints and research’ with Prof Dr Sabine Feist (Bonn) and Prof Dr Franz Alto Bauer (Munich) |
since 2023 | Doctoral studies in Christian Archaeology with the doctoral project (working title): ‘Bishop - grave - city. Episcopal burials as a mirror of church-political and social transformation processes between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages’ with Prof. Dr Sabine Feist (Bonn) and Prof. Dr Franz Alto Bauer (Munich) |
Research focus
Bishop and episcopate in late antiquity
Relics and the veneration of relics
Transformation processes between antiquity, late antiquity and the early Middle Ages
2022 | Pons Scholarship from the Volkswagen Foundation |
10/2022 | Participation in the intensive study course ‘Images of Rome. Perspectives from Archaeology, Art History and History’ organised by the DAI Rome, the Bibliotheca Hertziana and the DHI Rome in Rome |
10/2023-12/2023 | Research grant from the German Archaeological Institute Rome |
since 2024 | Doctoral scholarship from the German National Academic Foundation |
Offices & Memberships
since 2021 |
Member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christliche Archäologie zur Erforschung spätantiker, frühmittelalterlicher und byzantinischer Kultur (AGCA)Member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christliche Archäologie zur Erforschung spätantiker, frühmittelalterlicher und byzantinischer Kultur (AGCA) |
since 2022 | Member of the Association for Late Antique Archaeology and Byzantine Art History e. V. |
since 2024 | Member of the Görres Society for the Advancement of Science |
since 2024 | Member of the Transdisciplinary Research Area ‘Past Worlds - Contemporary Questions’ (TRA 5 Present Pasts) at the University of Bonn |
J. A. Knechtel, Porphyr, Heilige – und ein Bischof? Die spätantike Grablege des Ambrosius zwischen Heiligen- und Forschungsmythen, JbAC 64, 2023, 46–75.
J. A. Knechtel, Übersetzung zu: R. Giuliani, Die Katakombe SS. Marcellino e Pietro in Rom, Catacombe di Roma e d’Italia 11 (Vatikanstadt 2023).
J. A. Knechtel, Die unterschiedlichen Bildelemente in spätantiken bis frühbyzantinischen Mahlszenen (Stibadium und Sigmamahl) und ihre Nutzung, AGCA-Mitteilungsheft 41, 2022-2023.