Universität Bonn

Department of Christian Archaeology

Our tutors

Avatar Weiler

Anna Weiler

Room: 3.080

Rabinstraße 8

53111 Bonn

Avatar Matschoke

Isabel Matschoke

Raum: 3.080

Rabinstraße 8

53111 Bonn

Support staff

Avatar Beermann

Dana-Marcella Beermann

Raum: 3.080

Rabinstraße 8

53111 Bonn

Avatar Chowanietz

Julius Chowanietz

Raum: 3.080

Rabinstraße 8

53111 Bonn

Avatar Flammann

Emely Flammann

Raum: 3.080

Rabinstraße 8

53111 Bonn

Avatar Freuen

Lennart Freuen

Raum: 3.080

Rabinstraße 8

53111 Bonn

Avatar Loos

Larissa Loos

Raum: 3.080

Rabinstraße 8

53111 Bonn

Avatar Sauder

Jan Paul Sauder

Raum: 3.080

Rabinstraße 8

53111 Bonn

Opening hours of the student office

In order to enable a quick response to problems and questions, we recommend that you first send an e-mail to our assistants so that we can clarify any questions in advance and arrange an appointment.

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