Current Lectures
Venedig. Eine virtuelle 3D-Reise in das Byzanz des Westen. (Prof. Dr. S. Feist)
Mon. 10:00-12:00 c.t., Römerstraße 164 HS 1, Beginn: 16.10.23 - 22.01.24
Basic course
Einführung in die christliche Architektur. (Prof Dr. S. Feist)
Mon. 16:00-18:00 c.t., Römerstraße 164 HS 1, Beginning: 16.10.23 - 22.01.24
Begleitendes Turorium zur Übung "Einführung in die christliche Architektur". (J. Chowanietz, I. Matschoke)
Thu. 14:00-14:00 c.t, Room 3.081 Rabinstraße 8
"Placemaking" in der spätantiken Landschaft- Ein Überblick über die Umnutzung der römischen Villen (Dr. L. Pinchetti)
Wed. 14:00 -16:00 c.t., Room 3.081 Rabinstraße 8, Beginning: 18.10.23 - 31.01.24
Epochen & Kulturräume
In Farbe und 3D: Reliefskulptur im frühchristlichen Kirchenraum (S. Archut M.A.)
Wed. 12:00-14:00 c.t., Room 3.081 Rabinstraße 8, Beginning: 18.10.23 - 24.01.24
Theorien & Methoden
Digitale Archäologie: Exploration archäologischer Forschungsgeschichte mit moderner Datenanalyse und KI (A. Ermakov)
Thu. 10:00-12:00 c.t., Room 3.081
Rabinstraße 8, Beginning: 17.10.23 - 30.01.24
This semester, the Department of Christian Archaeology is again organising a colloquium on ongoing and completed research projects and theses.
Mon 18:00 c.t., Römerstraße 164 HS 1, Beginning: Irregular
Past courses
- Lecture: Spatial Concepts of Christian Sacred Architecture between Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages: Dark Centuries vs. Carolingian Renaissance. (Prof. S. Feist)
- A-Module Exercise: Introduction to Christian Architecture. (Prof. S. Feist)
- A-Module Tutorial: (H. Boes B.A.)
- C-Module Seminar: More Appearance than Reality: The Architectural Prospect in Late Antique Surface Art. (Stefanie Archut M.A.)
- D-Module Excursion: Day excursion to Aachen. (Prof. S. Feist)
- D-Module Exercise: Preparatory exercise for the excursion to Aachen. (Prof. S. Feist)
- E-Module Seminar: Spaces in Architecture and Literature: An Interdisciplinary Look at Spatial Concepts in Late Antiquity and Byzantine Times. (Prof S. Feist and Prof. C. Hornung)
- Lecture: Rome in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages. (Prof. S. Feist)
- A-Module Exercise: Introduction to Christian Iconography. (Prof. S. Feist)
- A-Module Tutorial: (H. Boes B.A.)
- B- and C-Module Exercise: Food and Drink in Late Antiquity - Scientific Methods and Aspects for the Study of a Seemingly Trivial Topic. (Dr. P. Linscheid)
- C-Module Seminar: Stucco Decoration in Late Antiquity. (S. Archut M.A.)
- D-Module Excursion: Excursion to Rome (Prof. S. Feist & S. Archut M.A.)
- D-Module Exercise: Preparatory exercise for the excursion to Rome. (Prof. S. Feist & S. Archut M.A.)
- E-Module Seminar: Death in Rome: Catacombs - Sarcophagi - Sacred Tombs. (Prof S. Feist)