Universität Bonn

Department of Christian Archaeology

Byzantium and the Franks

Petra Linscheid examines the "textile dependencies" between early Byzantium and the Franks. In the 5th to 7th centuries AD, Byzantium possessed materials, knowledge and technologies that were not available in the Latin West and which led to the imitation of Byzantine objects by the Franks. This asymmetrical dependence in technology and fashion is also reflected in textiles and clothing. The project investigates to what extent and in what way Frankish textile production was dependent on Byzantine textile techniques and clothing models.

The research is based on the preserved textile finds: textile remains from Merovingian and Alemannic row cemeteries in early medieval Central Europe are compared in technique and appearance with textiles from the early Byzantine Eastern Mediterranean.

Runtime: Since 2022

Funding: Cluster of Excellence Beyond Slavery and Freedom

Schnitt von Tuniken des 6.-8. Jhs aus dem östlichen Mittelmeerraum - ein Modell für die Franken?
© Petra Linscheid
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