The "Pool Research" research and teaching project is based at the Department of Christian Archaeology at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn and is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation as part of the "University of the Future" funding line. It focuses on the promotion of young researchers and networking. Goals that can only be achieved through cross-university cooperation within the subject of Christian archaeology by using subject-specific and didactic competences synergistically, pooling forces and thus creating new resources. The project aims to strengthen the starting position of Master's and doctoral students in Christian archaeology for applying for scholarships and positions and to integrate them into the subject-specific research work at a very early stage. Participants will be trained to reflect on and communicate their own analytical steps and to think beyond their own research.

"Modular Systems in Late Antiquity" is the pilot project within the framework of pool research; a wide variety of aspects of partial production and reuse in the broadest sense were examined. The contributions originated from qualification theses at different chairs in Germany and Austria. Unlike in a Research Training Group, the participants in the pool research remain anchored at their home departments. In workshops, they and their supervisors exchange ideas on the topic and pool their results in a final colloquium. With the open access publication of the final colloquium in the anthology Variatio in Kunst und Handwerk - Modulare Arbeitsweisen in spätantiker und frühbyzantinischer Zeit (Variatio in Art and Craft - Modular Working Methods in Late Antiquity and Early Byzantine Period), which will appear in the second half of 2022, the pilot project is now nearing its conclusion.
Conception and supervision: Prof. Dr. Sabine Schrenk and Stefanie Archut M.A.
Runtime: 2019 - 2022
Funding: Volkswagen Foundation
Cooperation: Chairs of Christian Archaeology in Germany and Austria