Universität Bonn

Department of Christian Archaeology

25. June 2024

Research project of the Universities of Bonn and St Andrews brings together ancient and cognitive sciences - Christian archaeology is also involved. Research project of the Universities of Bonn and St Andrews brings together ancient and cognitive sciences

Diving into new worlds: Theology meets cognitive research

Gruppenbild © Justin Gedikoglu
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What happens when you look at a late antique painting? In what order does the gaze wander over the individual pictorial elements, where does it linger? What reactions do such images or early Christian narratives trigger in the body? Such investigations go far beyond the mere interpretation of Christian works. A research project at the University of Bonn together with the University of St Andrews brings together ancient and cognitive sciences. One important topic is immersion, which is otherwise better known from computer games.

You can find out more about this topic here!

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