Universität Bonn

Department of Christian Archaeology

13. February 2024

The courses for summer semester 24 have been finalised The courses for summer semester 24 have been finalised

courses for summer semester 24
courses for summer semester 24 © Department of christian Archaeology
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Here you will find all courses of the Department of Christian Archaeology for the coming semester:


Lecture| Tue. 10-12 | AVZ III, HS1

Title: Time in Archaeology

Lecturer: Prof. Dr S. Feuser


Lecture | Tue. 16-18 | Main Building, HS9

Title: Book illumination of the Middle Ages I

Lecturer: Prof. Dr H. Wolter v. d. Knesebeck


Lecture | Thu. 10-12 | Main Building, HS3

Title: From Hausmeier to Emperor. The rise of the Carolingians

Lecturer: Prof. Dr S. Feuser


Tutorial | Mon. 16-18 | AVZ III, HS1

Title: Introduction to Christian Iconography

Lecturer: S. Archut MA


Tutorial | Wed. 14-16 | Rabinstr. 8, Room 3.081

Title: Byzantine Coins. Determination, development and archaeological contexts

Lecturer: Dr P. Linscheid


Seminar | Tue. 10-12 | Rabinstr. 8, Room 3.081

Title: Carolingian churches in Italy. Between tradition and innovation

Lecturer: Dr L. Pinchetti


Excursion | TBA | TBA

Title: Preparation for the excursion to Ravenna

Lecturer: S. Archut MA & Dr L. Pinchetti


Seminar | Wed, 12-14 | Rabinstr. 8, Room 3.081

Title: Bishop's seat and bishop's tomb. The late antique bishop in the context of 'his' city

Lecturer: J. Knechtel MA


Excursion | TBA | TBA

Title: Ravenna

Lecturer: S. Archut MA & Dr L. Pinchetti

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