Dr. Luigi Pinchetti
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter
Raum: 3.089 ,
Rabinstraße 8, 53111 Bonn
Sprechstunde nach Vereinbarung
+49 228 73-5649

2010-2013 | Bachelorstudium der Archäologie, Universität Rom "La Sapienza" (IT). |
2013-2016 | Masterstudium der Archäologie des Mittelmeerraums, Universität Leiden (NL). |
2016-2020 | Promotion in Christlicher Archäologie im Rahmen des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs 1878 "Archäologie vormoderner Wirtschaftsräume", Universtät Bonn (DE). |
Seit 2021 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Abteilung für Christliche Archäologie in Bonn. |
Forschungs- schwerpunkte
Archäologie der Religionen
2020 | Premio Riccardo Francovich e Ottone d'Assia (Società Archeologi Medievisti Italiani) |
ab 2022 | Argelander Starter Kit Grant (Universität Bonn) |
Pinchetti, L., 2021. Between town and monastery. Peasant economy in the 1st millennium AD, Firenze: All'Insegna del Giglio (open access)
T. De Haas, D. Peeters, L. Pinchetti (eds), City-Hinterland Relations on the Move? The Impact of Socio-Political Change on Local Economies from the Perspective of Survey Archaeology, Panel 11.3, Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World 49 (Heidelberg, Propylaeum 2021) (open access).
Pinchetti, L. 2023. Dalla villa al villaggio nell’Alta Valle del Volturno: una rilettura del dato archeologico, in Saperi Territorializzati 6 (2023), 54-57. (open access).
Pinchetti, L. 2022. Gelukkig Campanie, een aards paradijs, in Steffens, B.J.W. (ed), Sterven in Schoonheid. De wereld van Pompei en Herculaneum (Zwolle: Waanders), 72-81.
Pinchetti, L., 2021. The economic meaning of settlement hierarchies: a case study from the Roman Upper Volturno Basin. In T. De Haas, D. Peeters, L. Pinchetti (eds), City-Hinterland Relations on the Move? The Impact of Socio-Political Change on Local Economies from the Perspective of Survey Archaeology, Panel 11.3, Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World 49 (Heidelberg, Propylaeum 2021) 25-38. (open access).
Pinchetti, L., 2015. The House behind the Production Centre. Social Identities in Molisan villae rusticae. In Y. Boswinkel, A. Meens, S. Tews and S. Vroegrop (eds), A Theoretical Approach to Ancient Housing, Graduate School workshop, April 24th -25th April 2014, Leiden (Graduate School of Archaeology occasional papers 15). Leiden: Faculty of Archaeology, 41-45.