Universität Bonn

Institute for Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology

Welcome to the Department of Anthropology of the Americas!

Current News
Events, publications, news, job advertisements
Austausch mit der Unison in Mexiko. Eine Studentin unserer Abteilung berichtet
Lucía Loth, forma parte del intercambio entre el departamento de Antropología de las Américas de UniBonn y el departamento de historia y antropología de la Unison. Estamos orgullos@s de los lazos académicos entre nuestras instituciones!
Infoabend zu Auslandsaufenthalten
Die Fachschaft Altamerikanistik und Ethnologie lädt zum Infoabend zu Auslandsaufenthalten im Studium am 20.01. ein.
Winter School im Januar mit Prof. Dr. André Strauss
The Archaeology of the First Americans: A multidisciplinary Introduction
Call for papers / Convocatoria de participación
Velada de debate en dos partes sobre el tema «De los movimientos estudiantiles a las resistencias juveniles contemporáneas. Europa y Latinoamérica: similitudes y diferencias»  Primera sesión21 de octubre de 2024, hora: 9:00 hrs. tiempo de Sonora / 18:00 hrs. tiempo de Alemania.Segunda sesión28 de octubre de 2024, hora: 9:00 hrs. tiempo de Sonora / 17:00 hrs. tiempo de Alemania. en Oxfordstraße 15, 1er piso, gran sala de seminarios (1.002)
Worskhop: News from the South American Ethnoground
When: 10th of October, 2024, 14h (c.t.) - 20h Where: Oxfordstr. 15, 53111 Bonn; Room 1.002
Introductory event for all new Master Students / Acto de presentación de todxs lss nuevxs estudiantes de máster
When: 01.10.2024, 4 pm - 6 pm. Where: Oxfordstr. 15, 53111 Bonn Who: First year students M.A. Anthropology of the Americas
Einführungsveranstaltung des Bachelors Altamerikanistik und Ethnologie
Wann: 01.10.2024, 10 - 13 Uhr Wo: Oxfordstr. 15, 53111 Bonn
Study Night in the department's library and BASA
Start 6pm 28.09.2024 - Open End

Application for Bachelor and Master

Apply here for our Bachelor's or Master's degree program "Anthropology of the Americas"


You are interested in our study programs or already studying at our department? Here you'll find any information yo need regarding your studies!

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© BASA-Museum

Bachelor's degree program Anthropology of the Americas

Here you can find out everything you need to know about our Bachelor's degree program in Anthropology of the Americas (double major and minor).

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© BASA-Museum

Master's degree program
Anthropology of the Americas

Here you can find out everything about our Master's degree program in Anthropology of the Americas (from application to study focus).

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.
© V. Mautsch

Study abroad - Cooperation of the department in the Americas

Would you like to gain experience abroad? Here you will soon find all the information about our cooperation with universities in Europe and Latin America.

Praktikum im Forschungsprojekt Heritage and Territoriality
© C. Hizta


Here you will find all the important information and recommendations for your internship during your studies.

© V. Mautsch

Amerindian languages

If you are interested in Amerindian languages, here are the languages you can learn at the Department of Anthropology of the Americas.

© D. León Gabriel

Phd Anthropology of the Americas

Here you will find all the important information about a PhD in the fields of Anthropology of the Americas at our department.

Important contact points for students

Here you will find the most important contact points during your studies.


Study program management

The study program management will help you with any questions you may have about your studies and organization of these...

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© Fachschaft Altamerikanistik und Ethnologie

Student Council

We are the student representatives of our Department and your contact persons for everything that is important to you...

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© Altamerikanistik und Ethnologie


The library of the Department of Anthropology of the Americashas over 50,000 media ranging from pre-Hispanic, colonial and modern America....




Registered students


PhD students

Mailing list Anthropology of the Americas

Welcome to the registration page for our department's mailing list. We offer a mailing list through which we inform our subscribers about lectures, events, job advertisements, changes in opening hours or course cancellations, etc. The link below will take you to an external website of the Computer Center of the University of Bonn, where you can subscribe or unsubscribe.

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Avatar Pawlak

Katharina Pawlak

Study program manager
Avatar Winter de Velarde

Christine Winter de Velarde

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